deKay's Lofi Gaming

Shadow Complex: Remastered (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Back when this came out on Xbox Live Arcade (remember that?), I played through it over and over. I completed, and in fact, 100%ed, every single difficulty setting and then maxed out my level. I loved it, not least because it’s a Metroidvania, but back then the term wasn’t so widely known or used. I have no idea what is actually “remastered” here. It seems identical to the original, so unless my memory is playing tricks the only real difference …

Spider-Man: Remastered (PS5): COMPLETED!

The most important thing in any Spider-Man game is the web swinging. What’s the point of being Spider-Man without it? Sure, he could swing in some of the 2D 8 and 16-bit platformers, but when the Gamecube-era Spider-Man 2 game came out the freedom of 3D traversal round New York was a massive wow. The rest of that game… not so much. Well, much time has passed since then and this, the PS5-improved version of the PS4 exclusive, is very …

Burnout Paradise Remastered (PS4): COMPLETED!

I have always maintained that the best Burnout, is Burnout Paradise. And I was slightly concerned going into this that perhaps my memory is faulty and maybe the eleven years that have passed since I played the original version on the Xbox 360 have not been kind. I needn’t have worried – it’s still excellent. However, the passage of time has still had an effect. The main thing being that the massive open world map doesn’t feel massive any more. …

Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4/Vita): COMPLETED!

Interest started to wane the closer to the end I got. Puzzles continued to make less and less sense, and even the interest with following the plot was becoming difficult as it was taking longer and longer to solve the puzzles so the story was frequently put into stasis for long periods. By the end it had become so drawn out I’d forgotten half the characters and the secretary, Meche and the woman from the hipster club all blurred into …

Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4)

Well, Rubacava was annoying. I had two main issues: the first was the disjointed way all the locations fit together (meaning I kept getting lost), and the second was how the hell was I supposed to know there were two ticket booths that look identical but one is sort of hidden and you can only progress if you use that one. Gah! Some of the puzzles I nailed just fine, but others were frustrating in that I knew the solution but …

Sonic the Hedgehog (Switch): COMPLETED!

Well, would you look at that. I bought yet another copy of Sonic the Hedgehog. I now have it three times on my Switch, in various guises. This time, it’s because I bought Sonic Origins, that remastered collection of Mega Drive (and Mega CD) Sonic games where they are reworked to fit into widescreen properly and a few things have been tweaked. The original, unmodified, versions are on here too, but I’ve played them before so I went for the …

Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut (PS4): COMPLETED!

I am very much aware that I’m playing through the Shantae games in an intermittent manner and in an incorrect order. This is because of reasons I don’t have to explain to you. After completing Yoku’s Island Express I was concerned I’d do my usual thing of failing to decide which game to play next, and spend so long flicking through games I own but haven’t played that I ran out of time to play them. Instead, I forced myself …

104 Game Challenge

Just like last year, this year I took part in the RetroCollect 52 Game Challenge. The idea was to complete, uh, 52 games in a single year. Back in June, I successfully became the first person taking part to hit the 52 game barrier. But I wasn’t going to stop there. With the challenge over before the year was half done, I aimed for 104 games. The 104 Game Challenge, if you will. For the less mathematical of my readers, …

Completed 2016

Fallout 4 (PS4 15/01/2016) Batman Returns (Lynx 24/01/2016) Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4/Vita 30/01/2016) Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight (Vita 30/01/2016) Hatoful Boyfriend (Vita 31/01/2016) Nova-111 (PS4 15/02/2016) Bayonetta (Wii U 15/02/2016) Sonic the Hedgehog (MS 28/02/2016) Street Fighter Alpha (GBC 28/02/2016) Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (Wii U 05/03/2016) Disney Infinity 3.0 (PS4 06/03/2016) ToeJam and Earl (MD 10/03/2016) Midnight Resistance (MD 12/03/2016) Mega-lo-Mania (MD 12/03/2016) Castle of Illusion (MS 12/03/2016) Midnight Resistance (Spec 15/03/2016) Land of Illusion (MS 16/03/2016) …